I had the pleasure of photographing these two for their engagement photos in the winter, and they asked me to capture their wedding day, as well. Of course I said "YES" because who wouldn't want to photograph a couple that's so incredibly in love, has overcome a ton of obstacles, and still ends up going through life smiling and laughing!! <3
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This summer, I travelled up to Pickle Lake, Ontario - a tiny town in the north (population of 425 people) that is basically at the end of the road (as in, there's no road access further north besides the ice roads in the wintertime), to photograph the wedding of Armand & Betsy.
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Hello! And please meet the Landgraffs!
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Most of these family members are not strangers to being in front of my camera, though one little guy definitely is! Everyone, meet little Connor!!
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Let me introduce you to the newest little babe that I had the opportunity to photograph! I met little Amelia Claire when she was just 4 days new, and I loved both photographing her and holding her (there's seriously nothing like holding a newborn, which is a big part of the reason I love what I do!!!).
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At the beginning of this month, I headed down the street to photograph some friends (who also happen to be our neighbours), Evan & Heidi, and their two adorable little kiddos.
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Hello, everyone! Please meet Lorne & Natasha (and their adorable little guy, Sebastien!)!!
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Well, I first met precious little Max on his two week old birthday. He was simply adorable and did amazingly well for his first photo session. He achieved the perfect balance of sleeping for photos vs. being awake for photos.
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